Sales Report

From Dine Local Restaurant Admin Guide
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You will want to be able to reconcile your sales from the Dine Niagara system with your own POS and/or accounting systems on a regular basis. To do this, we provide a comprehensive sales report for your restaurant which you can access at any time from our admin panel using your manager login.

To access the Sales Reports page, go to Reports -> Sales Report in the left menu, or visit

Selection Page for Sales Report

The selection will always default to the previous month range, but you can select the start and end date of your sales report range using the calendar links.

You can choose to include or exclude Cancelled Orders in your report. If you are generating the report for accounting reconciliation it is more likely you want to exclude these cancelled orders, however we recommend reviewing your sales report with Cancelled Orders selected on a regular basis so you can see the frequency that orders are being cancelled or rejected by your restaurant staff.

Once you have set your filters, you can click to Download your sales report which will produce and download a CSV (Excel type) file.

Sample Sales Report in Excel

In your Sales Report you will find the following columns:

  • Order #
  • Customer (Customer Name)
  • Location (Restaurant Location - only differs if you have multiple locations/brands)
  • Order Type (Delivery or Pickup)
  • Payment Method
  • Subtotal (Subtotal of Food Items Only)
  • Coupons (Amount of Order Coupon Applied)
  • CAA Discount (CAA Discount amount if applied)
  • Delivery (Delivery Fee charged)
  • Restaurant HST (HST charged on the restaurant portion of the order)
  • Restaurant Tip (Tip amount for the restaurant staff)
  • Driver Tip (Tip amount for the delivery driver)
  • Donation (Donation at checkout - only applies if you have enabled a donation at checkout partner or if we are running a system-wide campaign)
  • Gift Card (Amount paid by Dine Niagara Gift Card)
  • Order Total (Order Total including all discounts, charges, taxes, donations, and fees)
  • Restaurant Sale Total (Total sale to the restaurant - only differs if you are using the integrated Dine Niagara delivery service)
  • Transaction Fee (Transaction fee charged - only applies if you are on our variable fee plan)
  • Variable Fee (Variable transaction fee charged - only applies if you are on our variable fee plan)
  • Variable/Transaction Fee Tax (Tax on the Transaction/Variable fees - only applies if you are on our variable fee plan)
  • Fees Reversed (Total of all fees and taxes reversed from your payment - only applies if you are on our variable fee plan)
  • Credit Card Fee (Credit card transaction fee - only applies for orders paid through the Stripe credit card processing system)
  • Reversed Delivery Fee (Delivery fee reversed - only applies for orders delivered by the integrated Dine Niagara delivery service)
  • Reversed Delivery Tax (Delivery fee taxes reversed - only applies for orders delivered by the integrated Dine Niagara delivery service)
  • Reversed Delivery Tip (Delivery tips reversed - only applies for orders delivered by the integrated Dine Niagara delivery service)
  • Reversed Delivery Total (Total delivery amounts reversed - only applies for orders delivered by the integrated Dine Niagara delivery service)
  • Credit Card Payout (Total expected payout to your bank account - only applies for orders paid by Dine Niagara Gift Card or Stripe Credit Card services)
  • Status (Current order status - important to review those that are in Cancelled status)
  • Gift Card Fees (Gift Card Redemption fees charged - only applies if you are on our variable fee plan and redeem a gift card in person)

Sales reports will include all online orders and sales as well as reporting on all Gift Card redemptions which were made in person at your restaurant through the Dine Niagara App.

If there is additional data you would like to see or require for your own reconciliation or accounting, please don't hesitate to contact us with your needs and we can look at adding them.