Fee Recovery Report

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If you are a customer who uses our Variable Fee plan or who pays their Dine Niagara fees through orders/sales paid through our online platform, the Fee Recovery Report will provide you complete reporting of all fees charged or collected on orders.

To access the Fee Recovery Report, log into the admin console using your manager login or visit: https://dineniagara.ca/admin/thoughtco/reports/recoveryreport

Fee recovery report criteria selection

The date range will be defaulted to the previous week from Wednesday to Tuesday which aligns with our accounting cycle when you will receive payment receipts (for customers paying their Dine Niagara fees through orders/sales paid on the system).

You can specify any date range and then click the Download button to download the report CSV (Excel file) so you can review the details of fees paid. Dine Niagara does not specifically send any other invoicing for customers on our Variable Fees program, so the Fee Recovery Report constitutes your invoice for accounting purposes which provides all fees and HST collected for our services.

Fee Recovery Report Sample

The Fee Recovery Report contains the following data/columns:

  • Order #
  • Order Date
  • Customer (Customer Name)
  • Location (Location name - only differs if you have multiple locations or brands)
  • Order Type (Pickup or Delivery)
  • Status (Current orders status)
  • Payment Method (Should always be Credit Card)
  • Subtotal (The subtotal of all food items and options before any fees, coupons, discounts, donations, or taxes are added)
  • Transaction Fee (The flat rate portion transaction fee charged for this order - only applies to customers on the variable fee plan)
  • Variable Fee (The variable portion of the transaction fee charged for this order - only applies to customers on the variable fee plan)
  • Variable/Transaction Fee Tax (The HST charged on the combined transaction fees - only applies to customers on the variable fee plan)
  • Fees Reversed (The total of fees reversed - either the total of transaction fees plus HST, or the amount of your Dine Niagara fees owing that was collected from this order)
  • Reversal Transaction (The transaction ID on the Stripe platform for our reversal of fees)

If there is additional information you require to see in this Fee Recovery Report, please contact us and we will gladly look at adding it to the system.